Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Its been an amazing 8 years!!

well it was Chris's and my 8th anniversary!! It truly has been an amazing 8 years, I am so lucky to have found such a great love. We have had our ups and our downs but no matter what happens we always find our way back to one another! 8 years and two kids later we are still so much in love and still our spunky selves.....! If you know us you know what I mean by spunky, I could never of imagined a better partner to go through this life with! Here is to another 8 years and many more, life with Chris is never dull and I am sure he would say the same thing about me. I love you chris, thank you for my two precious babies... Ashlyn and Collin. We have created a great family together!!

Check out my Slide Show!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hello Lover!!!

Okay readers if you know me at all you know how much I love shoes!! I am so excited for this month it is Chris and my 8th anniversary on the 27th! I am also so excited for the Sex and the city movie... so needless to say I have been shopping for some new super hot and sexy heels! Well I found one pair so far and I cant decide if they are for the girls night out to the movie or for my super hot sexy date with my super hot sexy husband for our anniversary? Chris is taking me out but I have no idea what we are doing or where we are going.. its supposed to be a surprise. So I will let you all know.

So I absolutely love Sex and the City.... if nothing else I loved watching all the pretty shoes and the incredible fashion statements and beautiful cloths! So me and my gals are going to go out and have some fun with dinner and a movie! I like the character Carrie in the show love shoes! I love a good pair of expensive or inexpensive pair of heels, wedges, stilettos, etc. They just make you feel so pretty! Here is my newest pair of shoes!

Now you know why I say hello lover!!! I also want to add that the way they make my legs look is great!!! I love them I love them, and the bonus is that chris loves them as well!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bath time fun and my smiley little dude

It's been a while since my last post, but in my defense I have been busy trying to get my family and my little life on a schedule.. it doesn't seem to be working one day is different from the next! I am slowly realizing that there are some things that I just have to let go, like I don't have to vacuum and mop twice a day that its okay if I just do it once every other day! I am realizing that I make a lot of my own anxiety... but its so hard I feel like if my house is not clean then I am a bad wife and mom. I feel like I can never keep things clean and neat because Ashlyn is following behind me messing it up again. well I have decided that my little 5 year old is old enough to start having a chore list and instead of making myself crazy picking up after her several times a day and me making her bed and cleaning her bathroom... she is going to do it. The rule is that every morning she gets up and gets dressed makes her bed and uses the bathroom and cleans up after she uses it... then if its a school day she doesn't get the toys out until after school she may color and do arts and crafts or go outside, and at the end of everyday before our bedtime routine she cleans up her play room and her bedroom, this way while she is at school I can get the cleaning done for the week faster cause I don't have to pick her toys up as well and on the days she is home we can enjoy each other cause I am keeping up with my house work and I don't have to be aggravated by her messiness because she is helping me and I am teaching her how to clean up after herself!!
Okay enough of my spouting off at how I am a compulsive clean freak and a little obsessive compulsive about it and other things and another one of my obsessions is taking pictures of my kids taking their bath.... I love clean clean kids and the way they smell oooh its so sweet! Ashlyn loves to help with Collin and the one thing she had not helped me with was his bath so I got Collin in the bath with her and she helped wash him she was so gentle with him.
Collin is getting so big and I cannot believe that he is already 2 and 1/2 months old its so funny that at the end of 9 months we cannot wait until the baby is out we feel like being pregnant is never going to end and then once our precious little ones our here they grow up so fast and all you can do is try and love them enough and teach them what they need to know to go through this life. I love my two children and I prey that I am doing right by my children. I hope that they know that at the end of the day no matter what that they are loved and we will make it through life together.! I am so excited that I caught Collin smiling and laughing on camera, he is just starting to laugh and really get smiley at different things so its cool that I caught it on camera. You can totally see his dimples.