Monday, July 14, 2008

So I don't post a lot of pictures of myself ex specially after I had Collin, but these weren't so bad and my kids always look good so I decided to post them. You know its bad when your 5 year old daughter is darker then you and you both have had the same amount of sun.... she will be thanking her dad for getting his skin tone.
I have to admit that this picture is cute.. I think that I am even more pale then Collin!

Ashlyn still loves to be around Collin and he loves her... he is ether laughing at her or he just likes to watch what his crazy big sis is doing.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Its been so long!

So hold on to your hats its going to be a long one. I know that its been a long while since my last post but my life just seems to get crazier and crazier!

First things first... my little Ashlyn graduated from preschool and I am just so proud of her. I cant believe how the time has flown by.

So here is to my little one starting a new chapter in her life.. Kindergarten!

Okay so now for the second event on my list. Well my awesome hubby got promoted again! yeah for chris he is on the fast track now. He is now Investigator Durham. He works at the professional Standards Devision in the internal affairs, I know that he is not thrilled to be doing this end of police work because he says its not police work but its a compliment they don't just pick anyone to go here they know he is an honest hard working cop and anyone who is anyone in this department does their time in internal affairs so this is good for his career, not to mention for the first time in 8 years we are acting like a normal family.... he gets to be home for dinner and on the weekends.... although I have to start making sure I have dinner prepared, ha ha!

Here is chris getting promoted to Investigator! He is shaking hands with the sheriff! Go chris, we sure are proud of him.

Okay so I don't have a lot of pixs of the 4th of July.... but for the first time in 5 years Chris had the holiday off, (like I said normal family stuff), so we spent it at our friends house by their pool, it was a great day and the kids had a lot of fun with poppers and so on... the adults had some fun as well we decided it would be fun to have a Popper fight and throw them at each other! good times. Well the next day everyone came over to our house for another pool party, fight party and birthday party for chris... he is 30 wow how time flys! I need to charge my other camera and get the pictures off of it so I can post them. We had a great 4th we missed our family but as I have said before our friends our our family! Collin is getting bigger and starting to roll over and move all around. Life is always moving and I am just glad that I have an awesome family to share it with.