Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Family photos

So last Saturday we got our pictures taken by one of our friends who is a photographer and Kelly did a great job. So I cant decide which ones to get for grandparents and family and which ones to print for my own house! Take a look and tell me which ones you like!!

I thought they turned out pretty good even though I am not very photogenic! Hope all is well with everyone hopefully we can make it to see you all for thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

We had a fun and safe Halloween and I hope all of you had the same. Collin had a blast going up to the houses and getting candy put in his pumpkin it got so full that he couldn't even carry it after a while! He sure did make one hell of a cute dinosaur! Ashlyn was a beautiful Angle and she told me that "now everyone will know I work for god." We had a great month of October one holiday down two to go.... bring it on!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Its been so crazy around here lately always something needing to be done or someone needing attention and the list of things to do goes on!! We have been adjusting to life with a first grader the homework alone is madness and then the pressure to get her ready for her tests! I was so wrong when I thought that I had finished school..... um no I was just on a long break!! I also volunteered to be Ashlyns room mom and let me just tell you that this year will be my last!!! Collin is growing up and becoming more mischievous and a true boys boy. I can finally say that the dude is finally allowing me to breath without him being right on top of me! He is becoming such a daddy's boy and no this does not hurt my feelings at all!

Even though life gets crazy we manage to always take some time and create fun family memories.! Here are some pictures of the things we have been up to. We had Chris's Sheriffs picnic for his work that was fun for the kids and dad got to show the kids what being a part of the sheriffs department is all about! We are very proud of Chris he works so hard and is so good at his job and is going to go far in his career! We also took the first desert camping trip of the season, we had so much fun and the countdown is on for the next trip with all of our favorite peeps; and last but not least a few pics from the pumpkin patch. More Halloween pictures to come... Ashlyn has her fall festival on Friday and then trick or treating I will post pictures of what they are for Halloween soon. Love to all and we sure do miss everyone.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Family Fun!!

Here are some pictures of what we have been up to the past couple of weekends. We spent Labor Day at the Beach having fun in the sun. The weekend before that we had a b day pool party at our house and Chris took Collin down the slide and he loved it.... he kept pointing to the slide wanting to go down again!! Man my little dude is sure getting big fast. Ashlyn is such a big girl but still loves her dad to show her how everything is done. Chris enjoyed teaching Ashlyn how to dive under the waves... she will need more practice, she still hasn't got use to the Salt water we really need to spend more time at the beach!!

Well I hope all of you are doing well and your school year is off to a great start. Cant wait for all the holidays that are just around the corner.... more fun family times!! love to all.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My big girls fist day of 1st grade

Well I did it I sent my daughter out into the real world! I did it with minimal amounts of tears! She woke up super early like 6:00 am and was waking me up saying mom get up we are going to be late!!! Ashlyn insisted on getting her teacher a green apple for the first day of school, so we stopped off and got Mrs. Stone a green apple!! We got to school and she walked up to her teacher gave her the apple and a hug and told her she was so happy to be in her class!! It was super cute, she then proceeded to tell me that she was OK and that she was a big girl and that I could leave now. I put down my shades and let the tears start falling! She did give me a hug though, how kind of her to throw her old mom a bone. I stayed to see her walk into class and get some pictures, when she realized this she looked at me and said mom I said you could go.... I was very heartbroken by this statement and she walked over gave me another hug and whispered in my ear not to cry she would be a good girl and if I cried I would embarrass her!! Well needless to say she had a wonderful day and is ready to do it again tomorrow!!! Here's to my big girl having a great year.... Oh how I love my little oh excuse me big girl Ashlyn!!
I don't think Ashlyn and Haeley let go of each others hands until they had to!!! Best of friends, I am so glad that they are in the same class together!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

River Vacation/ Happy 4th of July

Okay so life has finally slowed down a little so that I can update you all on what a wonderful vacation we got to take... a special thanks to the Parkers for sharing it with us!!! We love the river!! we had lots and lots of fun on our week long river adventure, here is just a few pictures of all the fun we had!!! We cant wait to do it again. I just have to stay the camp site we stayed at was the River Lodge Resort but it should have been called the Donkey River lodge cause the wild donkeys were all over the place and the kids loved to feed them, and at night the donkeys loved to mate and make lots of noise doing it! he he good thing the kids were in bed!!

Megan and I were so lucky that our men like to cook and that they are sooo good at the dutch oven because the chicken and the desserts were soooo yummy thanks to our wonderful dudes!!

We had such a fun 4th of July the we went into town and had dinner and then we went to the fire works.... let me just say the best show ever.... it could of been our awesome seats!!!

Chris and Ashlyn had a blast riding the tube together and so did Megan and I!!!

I cant tell you all enough how much I enjoyed spending time with my family and our great friends it was so rejuvenating and my hubby got to spend his favorite holiday his favorite way.! Its times like these that make me take a step back and realize just how awesome I have it hear in this thing called life, I have a great dude and great kids and wonderful friends, here is to many more fun filled memories and good times!! love to all I did miss family as well but am glad to have friends who make living far from my mother and sisters not so sad!