Thursday, January 31, 2008

Waitng and Waiting!!!

This photo was taken a while ago, I was just barley showing the fact that there would be a new additon to our family. we took Ashlyn to the San Diego Wild Adventure Park. We love doing family outings and Ashlyn loves to look at all the animals. Well this is what are family looks like as of now but in a matter of weeks there will be a new little person in our photos as well!
Okay after all the drama in my 8th month, with my contractions and my liver and kidneys not functioning right, little Mr. Collin has decided.... now that is okay for him to come and Mommy wants him to come Collin is going to make us wait. Not even out of the whom and our litttle boy is assurting his will. Ashlyn likes to attend my doctors appointments with me, she finds great joy in hearing Collins heartbeat and she just thinks that is so cool; but we are getting to the point where my doctor has to check me; and my five year old is not shy and she will ask questions or say things that well aren't exactly appropriate. Chris and I have taught our daughter the proper terminolagy for her body parts. At my doctors appointment this last time Dr. Bianchi had to check me and Ashlyn was standing up by my head and when she realized what was going on she flat out asked my doctor..... are you getting the baby out of my moms vagina? I thought my doctor was going to turn into a red rasberry and run out of the room. Ashlyn proceed to ask him when are you going to give my mom some medicine so it doesn't hurt her, she doesn't like to hurt, she gets kind of mean. My dr. was great he answered her questions in the most honest and quick way. I guess I won't be bringing her to my next appointment?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Beauty Queen!!

Well its been so crazy around here lately, we are trying to get ready for our new baby Collin. With all the craziness I think that Ashlyn was getting a little overwhelmed with it just being about the new baby. We moved Ashlyn's room down the hall one room and she didn't think that it was fair that the baby was going to be closer to mom and dad then she was....... well I told her that she was a big girl and that she doesn't need mom and dad as much as the baby will need us; and to show her what comes along with being bigger I took her to the Libby LU make over shop for little girls. I told her that this is what big sisters get to do because they are older and bigger, she liked that and was all into being the big sister. She is such a girl she loved getting her make up, hair, and nails done. When she was done she was like mom I can't believe how beautiful I look take some pictures and send them to my grandma... well I did her one better I posted them so her Aunts and grandparents and our friends could see just what a Beauty Queen she is. I was going to post pictures of her new room but they just don't do it justice and its hard to see the colors.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!
Chris had to work but that is nothing new since he has worked every year for the past 4 years in a row...... all the deputies that are on special teams are mandated to work that holiday. Ashlyn and I went over to the Martins with the rest of my friends because most of our husbands are on special teams and have to work as well so us girls rung in the new year in style with fire works singing games ect... Ashlyn was there but she was outside and upstairs and all around playing with one of Mary Kays' daughter watching movies and lighting fireworks with some of the men that were there.