Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Beauty Queen!!

Well its been so crazy around here lately, we are trying to get ready for our new baby Collin. With all the craziness I think that Ashlyn was getting a little overwhelmed with it just being about the new baby. We moved Ashlyn's room down the hall one room and she didn't think that it was fair that the baby was going to be closer to mom and dad then she was....... well I told her that she was a big girl and that she doesn't need mom and dad as much as the baby will need us; and to show her what comes along with being bigger I took her to the Libby LU make over shop for little girls. I told her that this is what big sisters get to do because they are older and bigger, she liked that and was all into being the big sister. She is such a girl she loved getting her make up, hair, and nails done. When she was done she was like mom I can't believe how beautiful I look take some pictures and send them to my grandma... well I did her one better I posted them so her Aunts and grandparents and our friends could see just what a Beauty Queen she is. I was going to post pictures of her new room but they just don't do it justice and its hard to see the colors.


Unknown said...

That looks so fun and cute! I can't wait to do fun stuff like that with Peyton. Right now she would just be like, Uh let's go play with my bear!

amber said...

OK, mom and dad and I are all laughing like crazy!!! We can't stop. Ashlyn is such a GIRL! I love it. You are so good to go and get her all dolled up....who wouldn't love to be a "big sister" when you get to do things like that....great work April. Oh, I love you all and miss you so much. Thanks for finally updating your blog! You've got to post pics of the rooms and your BELLY!!!!!! It won't be long before that belly will be gone so take photo and let us all see!

Jennifer said...

looks like loads of fun!! I think I'll have to take just Ami and the baby out for a girls night out and try out Libby lu. I'm sure she'll be just fine when the baby actually gets here. I still remember the day we told our kids about Ethan being a boy and how Ami and Connor cried for the whole day because they wanted a girl! Sheesh, the things kids do and say!

Emily said...

APRIL!!! I have been trying to track you down forever just to be back in touch. I saw your sister's profile on Facebook and she gave me your information. I'm so excited! Your little girl is beautiful. And congrats on the new little one. Sounds like he's coming soon!

Jessica Newby said...

April!!! Good to hear from you! I can't believe you have a 5 year old! She is so cute! And congrats on the little boy!

We will be in LA. I am so stoked! Disneyland sounds like a good idea!

Unknown said...

Hey! Let me know what you are applying for and your full name and I can put a reccomendation in for you. If you want to do res like me you have to live in Utah. sad I know!

Seeker2b said...

What is my litte Storm Trooper do'in posted all over the WWW?