Thursday, January 21, 2010


Okay so first things first.... we had a wonderful Thanksgiving at my mom and dads house we got to see most of my siblings and nieces and nephews! here are some random photos of Thanksgiving.... We tried to get all the grand kids that were there together for a photo and they turned out pretty good. Me and my dad and my lil dude collin, and collin finding G-pa very very funny!

Before we Had to go back home we celebrated Ashlyns b-day a lil early... my big girl turned 7!! ooh how time has just flown by!!

It was hard leaving my parents house but we managed to get back home and celebrate Ashlyns B-day and Christmas here is a sneak peek of some of the Christmas and b-day photos. (more pictures to come at a later date.

Collins Birthday is coming up next month he will be 2... more photos to come.


Michelle said...

They are too cute!! I can't believe Collin will be two this month!! That's insane!

Jennifer said...

Thank you for updating your blog!! I love to see new pictures and hear how everyone is doing. Wish we could have been there during Thanksgiving. Miss you!