Friday, December 21, 2007

Ashlyns' Big Night (School Christmas Program)

Well I think that my little girl is going to be an actress....... She was an angle in her Christmas program and she held the star of belthlem. She was so excited about that night and she was practicing all week long to know all the songs and know her big speech. She closed the program and she said thank you all for coming and always remember that Jesus is the reason for the season!

The city that we live in has a Christmas program that they put on every year and they have Santa go around to every neighborhood on a fire truck and let the kids sit on Santas lap and he gives out candy canes and some coloring kits and stickers, and there is also frosty and rudolph.... she had a blast see santa, frosty, and rudolph... when we were done she looked at chris and I and said I think that, that rudolph wasn't the real one because the real one needs his rest to get ready for his big night of flying all over the world. NO one can fool her she knows whats going on.

Merry Christmas everyone, we hope you have a wonderful Christmas and happy New Year! We wish that we could be with are family during these holidays but they aren't far from our hearts and that is what is important. May the new year bring you all nothing but joy and happiness! Love Chris, April, and Ashlyn Durham


Unknown said...

That all looks like so much fun! I love it! How are you feeling? Are you guys ready for the little one?

Jennifer said...

I hope you all are having a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I love seeing the great pics.