Saturday, March 15, 2008

I was tagged by my sister-in-law Michelle!!

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.

B. Each player answers the question about themselves.

C. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. What was I doing ten years ago? Well lets see I was almost 17 so I was way into my boyfriend and getting into way to much trouble.. and all about my friends thinking that my life and my boyfriend and friends were the only thing that mattered in life oh the teenage years... I don't miss them at all!

2. Five things on my to-do list today: My list for today all depends on how much the baby will let me put him down!! I need to do 2 loads of laundry, I got my vacuuming done, I managed to even get the dust mopping done on the wood floors, now hopefully he will continue to be a good baby and let me put him down after he feeds to get dinner done later tonight. I also want to go and rent a movie for me and one for ashlyn and finish collin's birth announcements!!

3. What snacks do I enjoy? I love milk shakes!!! I also love chocolate chip cookies, I pretty much love sweets but I am trying to cut back gotta loose the baby weight

4. What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire? I would have to say we would pay off all our bills including our house.. help family were they needed it and I would have to buy some Louie Vitton shoes and some Manolo blonik shoes I am in love with shoes!!! I would also make sure to keep some in the bank and make some good investments!!

5. Three bad habits: I like to procrastinate, I over think things to the point of panic attacks, I love to spend too much money on shoes... not just for me but for chris and my children as well.

6. Five Places where I lived: Twin Falls, Idaho, Sun Valley, Idaho, Perris, California, Riverside, California, and Murrieta California

7. Five jobs I have had: Certified nurses Aid, secretary, and leasing consultant

8. Five things people don't know about me: 1. I love to sing, I did singing lessons all through school. 2. I am addicted to tattoos, I already have two working on my third. 3. I have wanted to be a nurse since I was like 10 years old. 4. I thought my husband was a complete jerk when I first met him! 5. I am a neurotic mess most of the time but I take medication to keep myself in check!!

okay there you go that was my first time being tagged, I thought that I might have gotten away with not being tagged but she got me so I did it. well this week has been kind of crazy Collin is still trying to work out all the kinks of being a newborn so sleeping and everything else is new from day to day. Collin is a pretty high maintenance baby, more so then ashlyn was so I am trying to get use to doing everything including sleeping with a baby in my arms!! I so love my baby I just forgot how much work and how sleep deprived you are when you have a new baby!

On a lighter note, Ashlyn is so cute with Collin she loves to hold him and she is so patient with him when he cries she stands up with him and sways him and sings to him and just loves him and gets him to stop crying... I walked in on her doing that and it was so precious and it makes all the sleep deprivation and all your crazy emotions all worth while to see the little precious moments you kids have. I have the most great kids even if I only get to see how truly great they are at glimpses. Okay hopefully I can be a better blogger and post more often to keep you all updated and I enjoy writing about my life it helps put things into perspective it helps to step back and say its not so bad I am making it through and I am a good mom and life is pretty good.


Megan said...

Yep, you ARE a good mom! Don't ever let anyone tell you differently. Love you! =D

Unknown said...

You are an awesome MOM! Your house and kids are perfect! I hope all is well! We miss you!

Laurie said...

Fun tag! It's fun to get to know more about you. And isn't great that we grow out of those teenage years and we never have to look back!

I love being a mom to my children, but I think I love watching my children love each other just as much. Ashlyn looks so grown up in those pictures. You ARE a great mom! Just look at your sweet babies. You are very blessed! Hang in there!

P.S. I want you to teach me how to shoe shop someday. I will have to wait though until Ken finally makes me lots of money!

amber said...

Oh April I love the pics! Thanks for the update! Ashlyn and Collin are such beautiful kids!!!! Seriously you need to make a TON of kids! Collin's complexion looks PERFECT for being a baby acne. Give them kisses for me and of course you are a great mom....we can all tell you that but you yourself need to really know that you are. WE are our worst enemy and are way harder on ourselves than we should be. Having a newborn baby is no easy task and takes some getting used to so hang in there, this too shall pass. Loves to you and I miss you tons!

Michelle said...


Just to let you know, you are an awesome mother to Ashlyn and Collin. I was so happy to hear that you named Collin after Stan. Well, his middle name. That meant a lot to me and I know it meant a lot to my Mom. I know what you mean about the teenage years. I was a holy terror myself with all my mood swings.

All is well here. Just going non stop with work and school.

Give kisses and hugs to Ashlyn and Collin.


Jennifer said...

The kids are too cute! It is so fun to watch the older kids hold and dote over the babies. Hopefully Collin will grow out of not sleeping. You'll get used to it though if he doesn't!!