Saturday, April 26, 2008

The joys of children

So I was totally fooling myself that two children wouldn't be that big of an adjustment' because Ashlyn is 5 and she is so independent and she would be my big helper! Don't get me wrong Ashlyn loves to help me and she is great with Collin. Ashlyn prides herself on what a good big sister she is! With that being said she is not as independent as I thought.. she still relies on me for so much! She may be able to dress herself, brush her own teeth, get ready for bed, etc... but she still needs my guidance to know what to do and when to do it. Instead of packing things for one child when we go places I have to remember to pack for both... getting use to caring for both of them although their needs are different is still a huge adjustment and that took some time to get use to! Collin is now sleeping through the night and is adjusting to life outside the whom quite nicely now. He is a good little dude and I am so glad he is all mine. Ashlyn is all registered for kindergarten and she is so excited. Although getting her physical for kindergarten and having to get four shots wasn't fun she was so brave and let them do it with minimal crying, it helped that daddy was there!! So with my schedule starting to even out and Collin becoming more predictable I have started working out.... The baby weight is so much harder to loose with your second then your first at least for me it is! So I have been walking/running with some girlfriends every morning and then going to the gym for some body works classes one a week.... oh my goodness was it hard to stick with the first three days but now I am finding that the walk/run in the mornings gives me more energy to do everything with my kids and cleaning my house. So for all of you who need more energy exercising really does help with that.... I know I know I didn't believe it ether at first but its true. I am still trying to figure out how to spend quality time with just Ashlyn. I try to spend one on one time with her everyday so that she doesn't feel so abandoned by me. Everyday that I get to spend at least a half an hour with her just the two of us,( it doesn't mater what) I notice a difference in her behavior.... she is more obedient and she is just all together happier and easier to hadle. She amazes me with how smart she is and is continuing to get. I just hope that I have prepared her enough for her school years to start... I know that she still is a little girl and I still have a lot of teaching left but kindergarten came so fast and I just hope She knows that I am here for her no matter what that I will protect her and be there for her through everything. Collin wow I cant believe he is already two months I couldn't wait to get him out and now it seems like we are at warp speed. Its funny raising children is so difficult and at times can be depressing but the bond and love that I have with and for my children is what makes life worth living that also includes my husband. At times my little family is overwhelming and I go a little crazy okay somewhat crazy, I wouldn't trade, or change them for anything in the world! Life is a learning process and I will continue to do the best I can for the people I love.


Unknown said...

I cannot imagine how you guys handle two! I already feel like I run around with my head cut off when I try to leave the house. I wish we could see him! I am so excited for her to start kindergarten. That's crazy

Megan said...

Well, let me just say that being with you every week (which I enjoy soooo much :)), YOU, my good friend, are doing an excellent job of balancing your two kids, hubby, working out, and housework schedule. Ashlyn is a good girl (and wears some CUTE clothes!). Collin is just the cutest EVER! And Chris, well lets just say that you shouldn't bother him while he's "in the ZONE!" haha
Just remember to take your pill! :) Love you..

Jennifer said...

Any change takes a while to adjust to things. I know that you are doing a great job!! I know with me working many night a week, I rely on my hubby to do most of the things I used to do. He does a great job, but a man's mind is different than a woman's.

Laurie said...

Cute page! I love the colors! I hope you are doing good. I'll email you!